Montana! Big Sky Country!

Well we had a simply amazing trip last week for my birthday! Here are a few photos from the trip. We put up a home base in Ennis Montana and focused on Fly fishing rivers within a few hours from there. That part of the country is just breathtaking. The panoramic photo above was literally taken outside our back door in the Madison Valley. The mountains in the image is the Madison Range. And the River in the photo to the left is the Madison River. Fall is pretty much settled in there so the colors are bright along the river edge.
I promise that next week I will get back to posting Eye Candy photos of sexy guitars, but I hope you enjoy some images of my time off.

Can’t quite see the fish in this shot, but I promise, it was a nice Rainbow Trout.

Gotta Get a selfie in of the newlyweds.

Another beautiful shot of the Madison River. The water was clear and fresh,, and cold. This shot was taken from my drone.

On my birthday we drove about an hour southeast and went into YellowStone National Park. If you haven’t ever been to YellowStone, please, please, add this to your list. This picture is at one of the geysers. I believe it was called Paint Pot. Absolutely amazing imagery in the park. You would think you were on Mars.

In YellowStone, there is a ton of wildlife to see. These Buffalo were about 100 feet from the road crossing this little stream.
In addition to the buffalo, we actually saw a beautiful Bald Eagle flying along the West Fork of the Madison. We were on a small dirt road a few hundred feet above the river and the Bald Eagle was flying about eye level with us as we drove.
We also saw a Wolf as we were driving home. It crossed the road just in front of us with its prey in its mouth. As we came up to where we saw the wolf enter the woods, we saw him stopped about 50 feet into the woods, and he was looking back at us with a larger ground hog in its mouth.
The last night we were there we saw a Coyote. Again, it ran straight in front of us as we drove to the grocery store.
An amazing trip for the wildlife enthusiast.

Erica Brought in a very nice Rainbow Trout within minutes of fishing the iconic Fire Hole River inside Yellowstone park. This stream special for a few reasons. It is fed by the warm water from Geysers inside the park. Because the water is a little warmer than other rivers, you see different insect populations during the early spring and late fall. This means the fish are still eating the flies on the surface of the water. It makes for great dry fly fishing. Which, is a ton of fun.

As we headed to the Garden Valley section of the Madison, we came across a large Red Tail Hawk that was having some issues with something stuck in its claw. It sat on the side of the road and looked right at us for a few seconds before flying to this post to free itself. Oddly, the little Magpie you see in the photo appeared to be trying to help the predator hawk. It was just another example of how awesome the wildlife viewing is in that part of our great country.

Its pretty hard not to take photos of Erica, especially when the background is so gorgeous as well.

This is another photo of the Firehole river. Erica doesn’t really have a fish on, but she put on a good show. You can see the geyser right next to her, but you can’t see the herd of buffalo about 100 yards away.
Fishing, on a great trout stream, next to a geyser, with buffalo in the scene, with my wife, in Yellowstone, ON MY BIRTDAY! Life is GOOD!
This is probably a good place to sincerely thank all of the wonderful fans and patrons of the Andrew White Guitars community. We work really hard to offer a unique line of guitars in a crowd of competition that are often run with corporate mindsets and concerns only for the bottom line.
I want to thank all of you that understand that we are are driven by our passion to offer awesome guitars. That we are driven by the idea that we can make a contribution to the world of the acoustic guitar. That we are driven by the belief that we are pioneering the next generation of the “Standard” acoustic guitar by setting new trends with our Arcing Body Profile. Without the people who see our value, we could not have built this company, and without this company, I don’t get to go fly fishing in Montana, so I offer you a Sincere Thank YOU.